Iron Fencing

There are numerous styles and types of iron fencing available from home improvements stores and fence suppliers. Most of these fences showcase a visual pattern that consists of iron bars. Even though some iron fencing is more decorative that other kinds of iron fencing, the majority of iron fencing will include vertical bars of iron that are connected with horizontal bars. Iron fences can be enhanced with decorative designs such as:

Iron Fencing

* Circles
* Hairpin Loops
* Monograms
* Outwardly Bending Spines
* Panels
* Scrolls
* Shapes
* Spires.

The Decorative Enhancements on Iron Fences

A basic iron fence can be dressed up with decorative elements such as loops and circles. Many times, iron fencing will include thick iron posts that are placed at equal intervals, which serve to further stabilize the structure. Virtually all design enhancements are incorporated for only aesthetic purposes. However, differences in height may influence the function of the fence.

One highly popular design element people include on their iron fencing is the hairpin loop. Hairpin loops are raised above the fence's top horizontal iron bar. Sharp spires are another common design seen on iron fences. These spires are triangular in shape and have a sharp point at the top; therefore, they can be rather dangerous. Sometimes, owners will have the spires covered by hairpin loops for safety purposes. Although today's fences use spires for decorative reasons, this design was traditionally included to deter trespassers.

Circles, scrolls and monograms are other designs that can be incorporated in iron fencing. The majority of these designs are purely decorative, serving no protection purpose whatsoever. In some cases, an iron fence may have no bars at all and instead, the fence will be built with aesthetically pleasing shapes and panels.

Difference in Fence Height

The height of iron fencing has a direct impact on its main function. Taller iron fences are ideal for keeping out potential intruders, particularly when the fence does not have footholds. However, shorter iron fences are purely decorative in nature. So in most cases, the fence's height will play a role in its intended use.

It is important to note that even a tall iron fence will not always prevent trespassers from scaling it, especially if the fence's artistic features can help them climb. This is why some owners purchase iron fences with outwardly bending spines. While some decorative elements, such as spires and spines, can deter people from climbing an iron fence, these characteristics should not be relied upon to protect one's property. Although iron fence works can be absolutely stunning, they are not the best in terms of security measures.

A Word About Iron Gates

One way owners choose to spruce up iron fencing is by including an elaborately designed iron gate. Even a plain iron fence can be enhanced by a lacy or decorative gate. Usually, the owner will choose a gate that matches the style of the fence. Depending on the gate's design, it may swing, slide or just have an opened archway in the middle.